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Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Cette page en Français   Genre : Role-Playing Game  
Last update: 06/04/2014   Year : 2004  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Vampire: The Masquerade  


1: Tutorial
197 kb
2: Santa Monica - Apartments
236 kb
3: Santa Monica - Pier
720 kb
4: Santa Monica - Hub
792 kb
5: Santa Monica - Ocean House
849 kb
6: Santa Monica - Hub
981 kb
7: Santa Monica - Devil's Brand Tattoo
1006 kb
8: Santa Monica - Hub
1.02 Mb
9: Downtown - Hub
1.37 Mb
10: Downtown - Empire Arms
1.93 Mb
11: Downtown - Elizabeth Dane
2.07 Mb
12: Downtown - Malkavian
2.10 Mb
13: Downtown - Museum
2.47 Mb
14: Hollywood - Hub
2.64 Mb
15: Downtown - Crackhouse
2.75 Mb
16: Hollywood - Hub
2.74 Mb
17: Hollywood - Cemetery
3.08 Mb
18: Hollywood - Asian Theater
3.34 Mb
19: Hollywood - 609
3.42 Mb
20: Hollywood - Warrens
3.49 Mb
21: Hollywood - Warrens
3.79 Mb
22: Nocturne Theater
3.85 Mb
23: Chinatown - Hub
4.02 Mb
24: Chinatown - Kamikazi Zen
4.32 Mb
25: Chinatown - Glaze
4.58 Mb
26: Giovanni Mansion
4.63 Mb
27: Downtown - Venture Tower
4.97 Mb
28: Society of Leopold
5.05 Mb
29: Downtown - Hallowbrook
5.39 Mb
30: Griffith Park
5.47 Mb
31: Santa Monica - Apartments
5.57 Mb
32: Santa Monica - Choice
5.66 Mb
33: Chinatown - Temple
5.95 Mb
34: Downtown - Venture Tower
6.22 Mb
35: End Sequence
6.30 Mb
Download all the savegames
File size : 112 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : Vampire_Bloodlines\SAVE\
Language : English
Difficulty level : -
Version of the game : 1.2 + Unofficial 3.3
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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