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Catalog *.* 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Cette page en Français   Genre : First Person Shooter  
Last update: 07/17/2011   Year : 2004  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Doom  


1: Mars City
1.38 Mb
2: Mars City Underground: Union Aerospace Division
1.56 Mb
3: Mars City: Union Aerospace Corporate Division
1.85 Mb
4: UAC Administration: Union Aerospace Corporate Division
1.31 Mb
5: Alpha Labs - Sector 1: Union Aerospace Science Division
1.64 Mb
6: Alpha Labs - Sector 2: Union Aerospace Science Division
1.37 Mb
7: Alpha Labs - Sector 3: Union Aerospace Science Division
1.09 Mb
8: Alpha Labs - Sector 4: Union Aerospace Science Division
1.53 Mb
9: EnPro Plant - Energy Processing and Storage
1.49 Mb
10: Communications Transfer - Maintenance and Transfer Station
1.69 Mb
11: Communications: Communications Central Tower
1.80 Mb
12: Monorail Skybridge: Facility Transport
1.42 Mb
13: Recycling - Sector 2: Waste Recycling Center
1.08 Mb
14: Monorail: Facility Transport
1.17 Mb
15: Delta Labs - Level 1: Union Aerospace Research Division
2.88 Mb
16: Delta Labs - Level 2a: Union Aerospace Research Division
2.01 Mb
17: Delta Labs - Level 2b: Union Aerospace Research Division
1.56 Mb
18: Delta Labs - Level 3: Union Aerospace Research Division
2.22 Mb
19: Delta Labs - Sector 4: Union Aerospace Research Division
453 kb
20: Hell
1.30 Mb
21: Delta Complex: Union Aerospace Research Division
815 kb
22: Central Processing: Processing Distribution Center
1.55 Mb
23: Central Processing: Primary Server Bank
992 kb
24: Site 3: Analysis Facility
1.07 Mb
25: Caverns - Area 1: Excavation Transfer
1.59 Mb
26: Caverns - Area 2: Artifact Excavation
783 kb
27: Primary Excavation: Artifact Dig
450 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 39.2 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : Doom 3\base\savegames\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Marine
Version of the game : 1.3.1
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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