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Catalog *.* 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Cette page en Français   Genre : First Person Shooter  
Last update: 01/07/2014   Year : 2004  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : - 


1: Way to the Highlands
7.08 kb
2: Lair of the Ice Worm
14.7 kb
4: The Howling Wilderness
16.1 kb
1: Traps in the Darkness
23.3 kb
2: Knight`s Hall
26.8 kb
3: An Angry God
33.3 kb
1: Harbour
41.1 kb
2: Tavern
2.60 kb
3: The Royal Arena of Kordava
5.30 kb
4: Like a Thief in the Night
4.00 kb
5: Eyes of the Vulture
6.63 kb
1: The Deadly Sun
10.7 kb
2: The Lost City
13.3 kb
3: The Temple of Salamander
15.7 kb
4: The Ancient Pyramid
18.0 kb
5: The Last Remnants
20.7 kb
6: The Lava Caves
24.1 kb
7: Earth, Water and Fire
26.0 kb
8: Halls of Living Fire
28.9 kb
1: The Muddy River
31.8 kb
2: Way of Death
6.05 kb
3: The Blossoms of the Lotus
9.40 kb
4: The Magic of the Wilderness
11.3 kb
5: Dragon's Eye
14.7 kb
6: The Stone Fortress
3.15 kb
1: Straight into the Heart
9.25 kb
2: The Labyrinth Lower Floor
14.1 kb
3: The Labyrinth Continues
16.6 kb
4: The Snake in the Nest
18.2 kb
5: The Labyrinth Upper Floor
22.6 kb
6: Revenge is Near
25.4 kb
7: Tower of the Vulture
26.9 kb
8: The Last Illusion
28.1 kb
9: The Priest and the Barbarian
29.2 kb
10: The Resurrection Begins
30.2 kb
11: The Hour of the Snake
32.7 kb
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File size : 804 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : Conan\Saves\
Language : English
Difficulty level : -
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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